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11 Sep Now Stocking Hornby Track
0 505
We are now stock Hornby track & accessories...
01 Aug New Signature Series 3'' Ordnance Rifle
John 0 2357
MS4013SS – 3'' Ordnance Rifle The wrought iron 3" Ordnance Rifle was invented by John Griffen in 1854 as an answer to the danger of cast iron gun tubes exploding when fired. Griffen modified a proced..
17 Jul New Napoleon Cannon and Limber
John 0 1820
MS4003CB – Napoleon Cannon & Limber Napoleon Cannon, U.S. Civil War Model 1857 Developed for Emperor Napoleon III in the 1850s, this smoothbore 12-pounder was easily maneuverable, yet capable of dest..
17 Jul New Horse Drawn Hearse
John 0 1527
MS6009 – Horse Drawn Hearse Originally, the wooden or metal framework over the coffin was called a hearse. It was decorated with numerous spikes to hold burning candles. Sometime in the 17th centur..
30 Apr New 3D Jigsaw Vases
John 0 1397
S1024 - Koi Carp & LotusS1025 - Magpies on a Plum TreeBoth of these are 160 pieces and 11cm x 11cm x 24cm. Comes complete with a water container so that they can be used as vases. Please note that the..
31 Jul New Star Wars Solo Metal Earth
John 0 1659
TAS082307 - ICX201 Lando Calrissians Millennium FalconTAS082225 - MMS410 Imperial AT-HaulerTAS082226 - MMS411 Enfys Nests Swoop BikeTAS082227 - MMS412 Molochs LandspeederTAS082228 - MMS413 Hans Speede..
26 Mar New Chooch Model Railway Flexible Walling and Roadway
John 0 2715
Flexible vinyl wall and roadway that is easy to curve and form. Peel and stick backing. Fully detailed and painted. Easy to install – can cut with scissors. High quality – made in the USA. I..
29 Sep Cubic Fun Armibuild.
John 0 2464
TAS070857 - Tiger Tank Mk.I DioramaTAS070858 - Cromwell Mk.IV TankTAS070859 - M4A4 Sherman Tank..
22 Aug N Gauge Railway Scenery
John 0 892
New N Gauge Railway SceneryTAS074300 - Water Iris (16 per pack)TAS074304 - Primroses (18 per pack)TAS074305 - Hydrangea (12 per pack)TAS074312 - Broccoli & Cauliflowers (18 per pack)TAS074313 - Marsh ..
11 Aug New Metal Earth
John 0 1549
New Metal EarthTAS082137MMS109 - A10 WarthogTAS082138MMS118 - Messerschmitt Me 109..
28 Jun N Gauge Railway Scenery
John 0 2074
Now in StockTAS074301N Gauge Sunflowers (14 per pack)TAS074303N Gauge Flowering Bushes (16 per pack)TAS074306N Gauge Bulrushes (20 per pack)TAS074307N Gauge Sweetcorn (24 per pack)TAS074308N Gauge Pol..
05 Jun New ship kit from Model Shipways: Dapper Tom
John 0 3101
MS2003 Dapper Tom Baltimore Clipperby Model Shipways • Solid Hull KitThe Dapper Tom, an 8-gun topsail schooner, is to great extent, typical of Baltimore Privateers of a stormy decade when ships were a..
Showing 1 to 12 of 13 (2 Pages)