grown, FSC & PEFC certified. Ash
is typically straight grained, and this, combined with its toughness
and flexibility, makes it one of the world's most valuable timbers
for such uses as sports goods and striking tool handles. It is rather
coarse textured, and varies somewhat in w..
grown, FSC & PEFC certified. Ash
is typically straight grained, and this, combined with its toughness
and flexibility, makes it one of the world's most valuable timbers
for such uses as sports goods and striking tool handles. It is rather
coarse textured, and varies somewhat in w..
grown, FSC & PEFC certified. Ash
is typically straight grained, and this, combined with its toughness
and flexibility, makes it one of the world's most valuable timbers
for such uses as sports goods and striking tool handles. It is rather
coarse textured, and varies somewhat in w..